Development of YPA Chapters…
Keeping in step with our movement, YPA is expanding upon nearly 30 years of leadership development, by way of implementing a 10-year plan to develop YPA Chapters on College Campuses (and communities) throughout the United States and various parts of the world. (As outlined in our “Chapter Development Executive Summary”)
The chapters are comprised of a collective body of young people who are elected and/or appointed to positions along with adult advisors, who are collectively responsible for the organization and management of the local YPA Chapters along with registering as a “coed” Venturing Crew with one of our partners, Boy Scouts Of America.
The Chapters are responsible for organizing activities, addressing community issues, participating in service-learning projects, venturing initiatives, fundraising, membership drives, travel, networking, adopting schools in other countries, and participating in citizenship-type activities, just to name a few. All such activities are designed to and centered around improving conditions in the lives of young people and the communities they live in and beyond.
Supported by an intense training process (The Five Core Disciplines of Leadership) and a strong collaboration with the Venturing, this process is designed to cultivate true leadership development and allows YPA members the opportunity to practice the art of organizing, conducting meetings, service learning, conflict resolution, business management, networking, team building, activism, advocacy and more…