The Five Core Disciplines Of Leadership Political Development
/in leadership Developing/by Asad ShabazzThe fifth core disciplinefocuses on uniquely bringing the understanding of politics to the forefront of the participants, thinking first by helping them grasp the fact that politics is not just elections or voting; rather, everything political and all politics is local. Indeed politics is played out in every aspect of our lives. We stress the fact that that politics is1) the ability to influence the distribution of limited resources when there is competing interest for those resources and 2) the development of policies which dictates the distribution of those resources. This process also teaches a sense of diplomacy, civic responsibility and more importantly how to move away from knee jerk reactions to pro-activism and empowerment and to further emphasize that one should focus on addressing systemic issues with everyday political solutions.
The Five Core Disciplines Of Leadership Economic Development
/in leadership Developing/by Asad ShabazzThe fourth core disciplinefocuses on teaching that in this ever changing and growing economy, the need to gain economic understanding is essential to the development of human beings and the society in general. It highlights the fact that economics is the social science concerned with the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services. This implies that the development of economics, as a social science, has been responsive to social conditions of which it itself is a part. Lastly, this curriculum helps the participants to understand day to day budgeting, banking, credit, savings, investment and overall spending survival.
The Five Core Disciplines Of Leadership Educational Development
/in leadership Developing/by Asad ShabazzThe third core disciplinefocuses on helping the participants to understand that, what distinguishes, man from beast is knowledge and the ability to reason. Emphasizing that knowledge feeds the development of the human being so that the person can grow and evolve into divinity and become one with the universe. This curriculum eloquently demonstrates that education is the proper cultivation of the gifts and talents of the individual through the acquisition of knowledge. Stressing that knowledge satisfies our natural thirst for gaining that which will make us one with nature. Thereby, leaving the participants with the foundation that true education cultivates the person-mind, body and spirit- by bringing us closer to fulfilling our purpose for being and self-cultivation; ultimately, to teach us how to give proper service to self, family, community, nation and the world.
The Five Core Disciplines Of Leadership Social Development
/in leadership Developing/by Asad ShabazzThe Second Core Discipline focuses on breaking down the chains of socialized manipulation and unveiling how mental subliminal suggestion is used to socialize. It seeks to uncover the root thinking behind how we are socialized to think and how we arrive at values, attitudes, aspirations, tendencies, and characteristic ways of perceiving and responding to the world and to ourselves. Social Development is a broad term that describes actions that are taken to build positive outcomes and prevent negative social outcomes that can adversely affect an individual, or community. These outcomes include issues ranging from crime, poverty, gang activity, school disengagement, teen pregnancy, addictions and substance abuse, obesity, and poor health. The ultimate aim of social development is to improve the availability of support systems in the community that prevent negative outcomes before they occur or buffer (lessen) their impact. For example, rather than reacting to a crime, measures are taken within the community; that prevent crime from ever occurring. This process stresses that Just as physical maturation is the result of the interaction of biological forces and mechanisms over a period of time, so is social maturation the result of the interaction of psycho sociological forces and mechanisms over a period of time”. It also addresses the value of culture, positive relationship building, networking,
The Five Core Disciplines Of Leadership Spiritual Development
/in leadership Developing/by Asad ShabazzSpiritual Development
The foundation of this discipline lies in understanding your self-concept, embracing strong morals and values, and treating others as you would want to be treated.
Psychology teaches us that your mind constantly searches for proof of what you believe. If you tell yourself that things are always going wrong, your brain will focus on every setback and inconvenience, using them as evidence to confirm that narrative. It’s not that life is objectively worse—your brain is simply doing its job: reinforcing the story you’ve chosen to believe.
But here’s the empowering part—it works the other way too. If you begin asking yourself, “How can things get better?” or “What good is happening in my life?” your brain will start seeking those answers. It will notice small victories, moments of growth, and opportunities for change. Over time, your perspective will shift toward hope and possibility.
This is confirmation bias in action—it doesn’t have to be negative. Your mind is wired to find evidence that supports the reality you believe in. The key is being intentional about the story you’re writing. The narrative you create shapes how you see and experience your life.
Be mindful of the thoughts you nurture and the beliefs you hold. Frame your experiences in a way that aligns with the values and hope you want to carry forward. What you tell yourself today becomes the world you’ll see tomorrow.